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} .ss-layout-grid.of-column-10 > .ss-layout-grid-column.of-column-7 { width: 70%; } .ss-layout-grid.of-column-10 > .ss-layout-grid-column.of-column-8 { width: 80%; } .ss-layout-grid.of-column-10 > .ss-layout-grid-column.of-column-9 { width: 90%; } .ss-layout-grid.of-column-10 > .ss-layout-grid-column.of-column-10 { width: 100%; } .ss-layout-grid.of-column-11 > .ss-layout-grid-column.of-column-2 { width: 18.18182%; } .ss-layout-grid.of-column-11 > .ss-layout-grid-column.of-column-3 { width: 27.27273%; } .ss-layout-grid.of-column-11 > .ss-layout-grid-column.of-column-4 { width: 36.36364%; } .ss-layout-grid.of-column-11 > .ss-layout-grid-column.of-column-5 { width: 45.45455%; } .ss-layout-grid.of-column-11 > .ss-layout-grid-column.of-column-6 { width: 54.54545%; } .ss-layout-grid.of-column-11 > .ss-layout-grid-column.of-column-7 { width: 63.63636%; } .ss-layout-grid.of-column-11 > .ss-layout-grid-column.of-column-8 { width: 72.72727%; } .ss-layout-grid.of-column-11 > .ss-layout-grid-column.of-column-9 { width: 81.81818%; 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